Glasgow lyrical

Who remembers this:

“Send a request we can play on the air,
From Cardiff, Belfast or Glasgow Square;
Ask for a song that’s the best in the world,
And we’ll play it just for you.
The best sound in Britain, Radio One!”

Although who knows what “Glasgow Square” is supposed to be; there is no place of that name.  I suppose they could mean George Square which is in the city centre, but I suspect it was just a case of finding a rhyme.

Of course the other famous mention of Glasgow in a song is from Abba, in Super Trouper:

“I was sick and tired of everything,
When I called you last night from Glasgow;
All I do is eat and sleep and sing,
Wishing every show was the last show.”

Writing in The Telegraph, Neil McCormick appears not to be enamoured with this lyric:

“Has any song used a reference to “Glasgow” less convincingly than Super Trouper, where it is shoe-horned in just to rhyme with “last show”?”

3 thoughts on “Glasgow lyrical

  1. The lyrics are confusing in that does the or in the second line signify Cardiff Square, Belfast Square or Glasgow Square, and if not, why introduce Square at all, since from
    Cardiff, Belfast, or Glasgow would make more sense.

    And why Glasgow rather than Edinburgh, since the others are capitals?

    The lengths that lyricists go to to produce nonsensical and illogical material is mind-numbing.

    Nice to see that Culf has his own web log now and is so famous, even gets a mention in

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